Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Here there be Dragons

So someone told me today that some people in California get Comodo dragons to protect theirs yards from snakes and mice. If what she told me isn't complete bullshit that's complete overkill. Who needs a slathering death machine from hell to take care of vermin? I would kind of hope the vermin would be the same size as the lizard so at least there was an even fight. At the very least it would be an epic backyard. 

On a side note my boss got fired yesterday. I feel kind of bad for her losing her job but it was a long time coming. She constantly blew everyone off whenever she was approached with a problem she didn't want to talk about and just didn't do her job that well in general. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I have no clue why but I was thinking about robots and artificial intelligence today (I guess I was bored?). If humans had robots, what would we do with them? What would we use them for? You see what people do with technology today. It seems like people give up control of their lives to machines. Knowing how the world is, the first use of a technology would probably be something destructive.
That whole discussion on AI and robots fascinates me for a number of reasons but the main one is that the creating of those things seems like the creation of a new life. You are physically building it up piece by piece and then teaching it to interact with the world. It really seems like teaching a child.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hate Group Projects

It never fails with a group project. There is always someone running about throwing wrenches everywhere like its christmas at the hardware store.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Radio

Had an awesome time on the radio tonight. Got to send out a song to the most awesome and prettiest girl I know from puerto rico. Overall tonight rocked. I hope she got to listen at some point but its probably good that she didn't. I would have made a dope of myself. To tell the truth I was kind of really nervous all day about broadcasting tonight for some reason. It truly was alchemy with a side of crash and burn tonight. So much went wrong but it was fun none the less.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Sudden epic jumps in a park. The best part about this picture is that none of it was planned.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Not looking forward to what I have to do tomorrow. I have my deposition with the lawyers. A deposition is basically where the other lawyer questions you and dissects every god damn thing you say to implicate guilt or fault even if it isn't there. I'm nervous even though I know this isn't my fault. I just hate the fact that any of this is happening to begin with, its complete bullshit. I am letting it affect me too much. So much that I am trying to talk to friends too much. I think I am becoming a pest or super annoying by doing so. Bleh.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

This sounded cool.

The Rider

'When?' said the moon to the stars in the sky
'Soon' said the wind that followed them all

'Who?' said the cloud that started to cry
'Me' said the rider as dry as a bone

'How?' said the sun that melted the ground
and 'Why?' said the river that refused to run

and 'Where?' said the thunder without a sound
'Here' said the rider and took up his gun

'No' said the stars to the moon in the sky
'No' said the trees that started to moan

'No' said the dust that blunted its eyes
'Yes' said the rider as white as a bone

'No' said the moon that rose from his sleep
'No' said the cry of the dying sun

'No' said the planet as it started to weep
'Yes' said the rider and laid down his gun