Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Continueing Saga of a Jersey Fuck Up

Well, it certainly has been awhile. A lot has happened since we last spoke my dear blog. Its funny, I used to detest the idea of conveying one's thoughts and feelings on the internet. However, I am amenable to this idea now that my beloved has requested that I continue. Anywho, the picture seen on the left is such a chill little sea turtle. I wish my life could be as chill as that. To summerize, I am still with my very lovely girlfriend now for almost 2 years now. I got mono for 5 months and got shit on from teachers, family, and schoolwork. Had to go through my dad being arrested, again. Had to go through the same bullshit with my family. Lost out on an amazing opportunity to go to Taiwan for free to a bunch of kids who have never gotten over the 2nd level of Chinese. And get my stuff stolen by my Aunt. All of that was basically my fault.

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