Tuesday, May 31, 2011


compromise...it happens every second of everyday. Everyone makes a compromise at some point, its statistically impossible not to. I think the problem with that happening is that I find that more often than not people tend to compromise what they want or what they believe due to pressure from others. Nobody does what they want because more often than not you afraid of what people will think of you. Maybe I'm just cynical. As I have said before, do what makes you happy and fuck the rest. I will never compromise who I am just because someone else says I should. Who I am and what I believe is right and wrong is all that I really have and I can't betray that. It seems closed minded to say but one of my favorite quotes from a book is from a graphic novel called Watchmen. In there, a character named Rorshach said "Never compromise, not even in the face of Armageddon". It seems extreme but I hate compromising my beliefs or what I want just because someone else has a different opinion.

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