Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Now we can fly on planes without any fear.

so...Osama Bin Ladin is dead. It may be controversial to say but I say that doesn't mean anything at all other than to show how sick out society is. People are actively getting excited and celebrating death and killing of other people. The man was definitely evil and deserved to pay for his crimes but by celebrating his death we are no better than he is. The only good this serves really is to raise the morale of americans even though his death doesn't change anything in the world. Terrorism won't stop just because one man has been killed. Nothing has ever stopped because one man has been killed. The nazi party didn't fall apart because Hitler killed himself and the Soviet Union didn't collapse when Stalin died. If anything it strengthens the will of the people who fought beside them or worked under them to fulfill their hopes and dreams of what they were trying to accomplish. People have to know this changes nothing, it would be ignorant not to know that. The fact is that the media itself is cushioning the whole thing with soft language. Every news report says that he "died" or is "dead" and doesn't really tell the public the fact that a group of navy seals found him and shot him in the head. The way they are reporting it makes it seem like the monster wasn't stopped but just died in his sleep or had a heart attack or something like that. No one thinks about the fact that those soldiers probably shot him on sight or that the pakistanis were probably hiding him seeing as he was staying 30 miles outside of a major city. What happened to critical thinking? Does no one want to question anything anymore? Have we degraded to the point within our society that we actively praise and celebrate the killing of people we do not like? What has happened to us? Politicians everywhere in this country claim to hold some sort of religious views in which they wish to be elected on but I doubt a single one of them will have any qualms with this killing or any of the celebrating that is a result of it.

1 comment:

francheska said...

As far as i knew, he was asked to give himself in, and obviously he didnt. Makes sense because a terrorist like that one knows teyh consequences of hisa actions and is willing to give everything in and fight till the end for what he would believe is right. But America is a country whos people believe everyone should be alive, happy and eternal, but what do you do when a man kills thousands of inocent people and enjoy its victory, you let him free and let the situation just go by time like nothing even hapened?, you go and try to arrest him with phisical force (knowing as soon as you get close enough your gonna get blown the hell away into tiny pices)? I think his death will leave a lot of follower of Osama maybe pissed off at the US, and posibly even willing to attack us, but they know something now that they didnt knew before, we stand out too for what WE believe is right, Now the US may have gotten the some sort of respect back. Is the survival of teh thoughest law, wether the ppl likes it or not, look arround you, it hapens all over nature.