Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Comedy of Errors

Its amazing how much effort it takes to get even the smallest things that you want in life. Everything is a battle, a never ending fight to gain some small level of happiness. I don't assume to know everything or even a lot, its impossible to ever really achieve that but if life has taught me anything its that nothing good comes to you in life without a bit of risk. Risk has ruled my life so far. Everything I do is a chance that could possibly backfire but that's the way of the world. Its strange how adverse people are to taking real risk. Risk can yield the greatest rewards. A good friend of mine once told me that it doesn't matter how you jump just that jump. I really liked that. Its how I have tried to live my life. I guess I am afraid that if I don't take chances when they are available then I will miss out on something good. Not that I take chances for shits and giggles. I think things through but I think that the only way for real progress to be made in life is to be brave enough to take those kinds of risks when you think its important. Society in general seems adverse to making any kind of change within itself. People don't like to think, they want simple answers for complex questions and to never think about it again. People want certainty where there usually is none. It seems like ignorance is preferred to reason. Religions for example, they give simple answers to super complex questions. Questions that should be contemplated all through life. Instead, it narrows the mind into ignorance. I strive for open mindedness and understanding. I am always thirsty to learn something new, to understand more. I think its the death of a person's creativity, imagination, and individuality to confine your thinking like that.

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