Friday, April 8, 2011

Status Report Captain

Its been an interesting week so far. Lots of things to do and to turn in. Kind of stressful truth be told, especially with the the work on my research paper ramping up. Had a couple of pleasant and not so pleasant surprises though. Found out that I actually got an A on my math quiz but I failed the hell out of my programming test. I guess there's some consolation in the fact that nobody scored higher than a C but im still pretty angry at myself. Other than that, I apparently have a bunch of relatives on my dad's side who are suddenly coming out of the woodwork and they want to meet me for whatever reason. I don't know why but I really have no interest in interacting with them. They abandoned us right after I was born because they blamed my dad and his mom for giving his dad a heart attack. I can't tolerate stupidity of that level. I know emotions were probably running high but there is no excuse for abandoning your family, especially in a time like that. I thought I had no family for the longest time and then this happens, I don't know how to react. ha, gotta love those thought tangents. On a lighter note, I have been making some more cash lately and I should reach my goal sooner. Yay.

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