Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hey There Mr.DJ

I am a radio dj. I have been involved with some sort of radio program my entire life and if I have learned anything over all these years is that crafting a set of music is an art. It isn't nearly as simple as it seems. To create a good set of music it needs to have a feeling of flow and compatibility with all the other songs within the set. Its possible to string 5 songs of 5 different genres of music into a single set if its crafted correctly. The key to making it work is knowing what the song is talking about and knowing the tone of the song. Hearing the tone of the song is pretty easy to pick up on based on its sound but sometimes you need to pay attention to the lyrics of the song. I have always viewed a set of music as something of a story that is being told. A set of 5 songs can have a slow start, reach a climax and have a falling action. All in all, I think that a set is more than just a bunch of songs thrown together, its a series of songs that can take a surprising amount of thought to put together. I have always thought that because I am creating something that is supposed to entertain a listener I should put in as much effort as I can to make it the best possible product I can. That and its actually pretty damn fun to make.

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