Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Seperation of Humanity

It seems like human beings do everything they can to separate themselves from each other. The most common separator is the topic of where you are from or what the color of your skin is. People call the intolerance of those differences racism. I have never understood that term. As a race we are all human beings. The only reason that people have those different skin pigmentations are because its genetic or they grew up in an area that influenced those features. That doesn't make anyone a different race. We are all human beings and should be treated as such. As bad as its going to sound, things like Black History month only serves to further the divide between people. In america at least it seems like the whole point of that month isn't to show diversity and accomplishments but to make as many white people feel as guilty as they possibly can for slavery even though there is no one alive today to have been affected by it. I am not saying that it wasn't bad. It's terrible to enslave any group of people and im not saying that anyone should forget that it happened but let it be history like the rest of the tragedies involved with humanity. Let it be apart of history and let us learn from it. On that same topic I don't like feminism. I personally think that all people are equal no matter if a person is a man, woman, black, white, yellow, or purple. A lot of times sexism can be reversed to men. Continuing to separate ourselves from each other for really no reason will only result in a complete in a complete separation from each other and a complete lack cultural knowledge.

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