Thursday, March 31, 2011

The World is Strange

Its strange what the world focuses on while so many important and terrible things are going on. For example, recently there are revolts going on in the middle east overthrowing old tyrannical regimes and along with that there was that terrible earthquake over in Japan that also caused that devastating tsunami. However, it seems that most people and news channels prefer to focus on the smaller and completely unimportant news stories like what new crazy thing Charlie Sheen is up to or something just as trivial. I would have thought that the tsunami would have been giant news that everyone would be concerned about and talking about seeing as there was one just as bad just a few years ago in the Philippines. I think that ,for whatever reason, most people prefer to read about and talk about the simple news stories that really have no impact on the world. Those kind of stories are really simple and are about things that don't require a lot of thought. I think that's a terrible way for people to be. I wish the news could be unbiased and that people would actually care about the things that should be cared about like the aftermath of tsunamis and the other things that effectively change the state of the world. It really confuses me why people focus on the things they do.

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